Office of the Governor

District & Charter Spending

Over the next three years, the Delaware Department of Education will work with district and school leaders, community representatives, families and educators to evaluate how districts and charters are using the Opportunity Funding and mental health/reading support, and to measure student progress. Learn more about how each district and charter school plans to use these funds.

District & Charter Overview



Academia Antonia Alonso is hiring a Dean of Equity, Inclusion, and Access. The Charter is also hiring various paraprofessionals, teachers, and trauma specialists, as well as investing in Summer School Recovery programs.

Academy of Dover is hiring additional paraprofessionals to assist with meeting the needs of EL and low income students as well as a school counselor.

Appo is expanding pre-k enrollment for EL and low-income students. The district is funding teachers paraprofessionals to assist with pre-k.

Brandywine is expanding their social work staff to work with low-income and EL students and their families. That includes the additional of school culture and climate deans to work proactively with students on trauma-informed practices to reduce behavioral challenges. They are also funding math and literacy supports.

Caesar Rodney is expanding their ESL capabilities with teachers and paraprofessionals and investing in ESL Summer Camps and Summer Academies. Caesar Rodney is also creating four after-school learning centers.

Campus Community is hiring instructional paras for low-income and EL students.

Cape Henlopen is developing summer academies for EL and low-income students who are not reading on grade level. The district is also hiring an EL Specialist and EL teachers, middle school counselors, and a high school social worker.

Capital is reviewing and evaluating the SEL curriculum. They will continue six ESL teachers, eight licensed clinical social workers, and have staff participate in instructional learning to increase achievement of ESL.

Charter of New Castle is continuing a full-time Assistant Principal of Academics and a part-time teacher coach.

Charter School of Wilmington is hiring a student support specialist to collect baseline data from students and set targets accordingly to increase their academic success.

Christina is hiring eight AVID teachers to increase the percentage of EL and LI students who attend college including those as first generation applicants. They are also planning Parent University Family Engagement programs. They will be continuing ESL instructors, Parent Liaisons, Administrator of EL programs, instructional coaches, and paraprofessionals. They will be hiring five social workers to provide outreach and support to schools.

Colonial is purchasing Imagine Language and Literacy seats for all EL and LI students. They will be contracting with Reading Assist Institute for 32 teachers. The district will hire a homeless caseworker and a Deputy of Academics. They will continue to invest in EL coaches, teachers, and tutors. They will hire six math interventionists. They will hire a Counselor at William Penn High School dedicated to supporting incoming 9th graders who are identified as struggling based on various academic indicators.

Delaware Military Academy will hire one part-time student support services specialist.

Delmar is expanding reading support and investing in new technology including the Achieve 3000 Reading Platform, laptops, and headphones.

Edison Charter School is investing in technology and reading support including smartboards, 3-D printers, laptops, desktop computers, and iPads.

Early College High School is partnering with Communities in Schools to expand support to EL and low-income students. They will also be investing in After School Horner H.E.L.P. by hiring a coordinator.

East Side is continuing a social worker to support low-income and EL students, and investing in social-emotional learning and child abuse curricula.

First State Military is hiring an opportunity support specialist/school counselor.

First State Montessori is hiring an reading support teacher.

Freire is investing in a Director of Curriculum and Instruction and a teacher coach and curriculum consultant.

Gateway Lab is renewing its Failure Free Reading application to increase reading fluency of ELL students. They are also contracting with a school/family engagement coordinator.

Great Oaks is hiring a school counselor to provide SEL supports for ELL students related to post-COVID-19 and events happening in the community. They are also hiring a Dean of Curriculum and Assessment.

Indian River is hiring 13 interventionists for schools with their highest percentages of EL and low-income students. They will also be developing and delivering on after-school and summer school programs at schools that support EL and Low Income Students. They will be hiring two family/school liaisons.

Kuumba is hiring a Dean to engage families in the process and ensure all low-income students are receiving support for social emotional learning and academics.

Lake Forest is continuing six interventionist-teachers and hiring four interventionists.

Las Americas Aspira is hiring a bi-literacy instructional coach, a Climate and Culture Specialist, and an ELL teacher.

Laurel is continuing the employment of EL teachers, Behavioral Health Coordinators, math and reading supports.

Milford is supporting three ESL Certified Teachers, three student and family interventionists, and four reading interventionists. Milford will be hiring two school counselors at elementary schools and create Academic Learning Centers at three locations.

MOT Charter is hiring a full-time social-emotional counselor at the high school campus.

NCC Vo-Tech is investing in extra after-school time for struggling low-income and EL students. The district is hiring two ESL teachers, an ESL paraprofessional, and a reading specialist.

Newark Charter is hiring two reading specialists to focus on low-income and EL students.

Odyssey Charter is hiring ELL teachers, a Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, and investing in their math program.

POLYTECH is hiring a Student Support Specialist.

Positive Outcomes is investing in a new school Counselor.

Providence Creek is investing in a dean of academics to support low-income and EL students.

Red Clay is investing in new targeted staffing for EL and low-income students with the goal of reducing class sizes and increasing individualized, high-quality instruction. The district is providing after-school programs for struggling students and adopting a new English language arts (ELA) social-emotional learning curriculum. Red Clay is hiring three reading specialists, ten behavioral health personnel, and expanding mental health services at high-needs elementary schools.

Seaford is hiring a District Behavioral Health Coordinator, a Dean of Social Emotional Support, a School Culture and Climate Coordinator, and a school Social Worker.

Smyrna is investing in a UD Residency program. They are also investing in students’ literacy through Literacy Training and Coaches.

Sussex Academy is hiring a paraprofessional and investing in instructional resources to support EL and low-income students.

Sussex Montessori is hiring a EL Certified Coordinator, an EL Certified Support Teacher, and two associate teachers.

Sussex Tech is hiring a full-time reading specialist and a paraprofessional for reading.  

Thomas Edison is hiring a reading interventionist.

Woodbridge is hiring four new teachers and paraprofessionals to support EL and low-income students. The district is hiring three paraprofessionals across grade levels K-2 and 6-12. The district is providing four Communities in Schools Counselors. Woodbridge is also providing oral and written language translation services.