Official websites end in .gov

A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use https://

The https:// at the beginning of the address means you are safely connected to the government website. Any information that you provide is securely transmitted.

Boards and Commissions

Governor Meyer makes appointments to approximately 300 boards and commissions that affect nearly all public policy areas. Service on a Board or Commission is a great way to give back to your State and to your community, and requires a contribution of both expertise and time. The Governor takes great pride in appointing members who mirror the diverse population of Delaware and who want to work together to make the State of Delaware an even better place to live and work.

Apply to Serve on a Board

Governor Meyer has appointment authority to a variety of state boards and commissions, and encourages residents to participate in state government by applying to serve on a board or commission that interests you.

If you would like to be considered for appointment to a Board or Commission, you may apply at any time regardless of whether there is a current or upcoming vacancy. Vacancies occur periodically throughout the year.

Take a look at the different boards.

Want to get involved, but unsure which board to join? Let us know on your application.

Applicants should submit all requested information in order for their application to be considered. If at any time you close your browser window prior to submitting your application, you will lose the information you entered on the application and will need to start again.

Boards and Commisions Team
Phone: 1-302-744-4101

Application Process

  1. Review boards listed by agency below

  2. Submit an application for any boards that interest you

  3. If selected for appointment, you will receive paperwork in the mail

  4. Staff will contact you regarding upcoming meetings