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Key Priorities

View of a small town at sunset from an elevated perspective, showcasing illuminated streets, buildings, and a church steeple in the foreground, with a glowing orange and yellow sky in the background.

Governor Matt Meyer’s Vision for Delaware

Governor Matt Meyer has a bold vision to elevate Delaware by harnessing innovation, collaboration, and forward-thinking policies. He is deeply committed to addressing systemic issues, including the rising cost of living, improving public schools and bringing down health care costs. He envisions an inclusive Delaware where everyone, regardless of background, has the same opportunities to thrive.

Governor Matt Meyer in a blue shirt smiling and engaging with a young student who is reading a book at a classroom table.


As a former public school teacher, Governor Meyer is working to invest in our state’s education system so every Delawarean can learn and thrive.  His vision for Delaware’s future includes modernizing curriculums and methods, raising teacher salaries, expanding universal pre-K, and boosting investment in special education and child care. He’ll focus on closing long-standing gaps in our students’ education and creating new recruitment and workforce development pathways to address the teacher shortage across the state. Finally, Governor Meyer will work to reform Delaware’s outdated education funding system to ensure equitable resources for all students.


Governor Meyer aims to improve the quality, affordability, and accessibility of our healthcare system to reduce wait times and limit costs. He will work to invest in preventative care, expand Medicaid, and develop additional options through state-managed health plans. Governor Meyer will also address healthcare monopolies to foster greater competition, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes, particularly for the most vulnerable in historically underserved areas. Governor Meyer will also work to create Delaware’s first-ever medical school to educate, attract, and retain medical professionals here at home.


Delawareans deserve housing that is affordable. Governor Meyer’s key initiatives include boosting housing supply, supporting zoning reforms, managing smart growth, lowering construction costs, aiding first-time homebuyers, and expanding access to housing for marginalized groups such as seniors and individuals with disabilities. To eradicate homelessness in the state, we must protect tenants, provide wrap-around services, and streamline our housing programs for efficiency.

Economic Development

Delaware’s success hinges upon inclusive growth by championing small businesses, job training, and investment in 21st-century careers to increase wages and grow our economy. Governor Meyer aims to reduce corporate tax giveaways while still investing in innovative industries. He seeks to expand workforce development programs, particularly in Delaware’s underserved communities, and boost the state’s renewable energy economy through sustainable infrastructure projects. We must also make it easier for entrepreneurs to receive the assistance they need to thrive, particularly Minority, Women, and Veteran-owned small businesses.


Transparency will be a hallmark of Governor Meyer’s administration and ethical governance and accountability will be prioritized to ensure effective government spending. We can start by improving public access to government operations and expenditures, closing lobbying loopholes, enforcing stricter campaign finance regulations, and strengthening oversight of elected officials. Together, we can create a more open, accountable government that serves the interests of all Delawareans.


Governor Meyer is intent on combating climate change and promoting sustainability. He is a champion for investing in sustainable infrastructure, creating clean energy jobs, and protecting Delaware’s natural resources—from farmland to waterways. Delawareans also deserve energy efficiency upgrades to their homes and businesses, strengthening their resilience against climate impacts, especially in coastal areas. Finally, Governor Meyer aims to achieve net-zero emissions for state government operations by 2030 by expanding renewable energy production, particularly offshore wind and solar power.

Public Safety

Ensuring public safety is critical to the Meyer Administration. Governor Meyer supports expanding behavioral health units and alternative programs for individuals in crisis, combating the opioid crisis, and emphasizing violence reduction through proactive community engagement and investment in job training programs for at-risk individuals. He also supports community-based policing reforms, oversight boards, and body cameras for officers. He will champion common-sense gun safety laws and work to ensure equitable access to public safety resources across Delaware’s communities.