ARPA Capital Projects Fund

American Rescue Plan - Investing in Delaware

Governor Carney announced American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) capital projects funding to libraries, community centers, and other nonprofit organizations throughout all three counties to benefit those hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Delaware submitted its plan funding plan to the U.S. Treasury on January 14, 2022, and it was approved on May 1, 2023. Delaware’s Project Plan details spending $65 million on Multi-Purpose Community Centers.

Applications for funding were publicly available for community organizations and non-profit organization. Project applications had to meet strict federal requirements set by the U.S. Treasury. If an application met the federal requirements, proposed projects were evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Projects are shovel ready;
  • Projects have financial support beyond the federal stimulus funding;
  • Projects could sustain the investments beyond the federal stimulus;
  • And projects are in communities hardest hit by the pandemic, enabling education, work, and health monitoring.

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