Office of the Governor

Executive Order 63





            WHEREAS, Delaware’s religious traditions have been a foundation of strong communities across our State, and religious institutions have helped contribute to the development of our citizens and our communities by addressing issues of poverty, crime, violence, lack of education, homelessness and other social ills;


            WHEREAS, faith-based organizations have a reach that extends well beyond their congregations, and they can bring unique skills, services, and resources to bear to assist many of the most vulnerable persons in our communities;


            WHEREAS, there are many opportunities for faith-based organizations to partner with executive branch agencies and other government entities to further strengthen our communities by promoting public safety, sponsoring use of parks and recreation facilities, extending services to youth and families at risk, promoting education and graduation, and extending awareness of health care needs;


            WHEREAS, establishing partnerships between executive branch agencies and faith-based organizations may lead to many additional opportunities to deliver services to Delaware citizens more effectively than either government or faith-based organizations can do alone;


            WHEREAS, strong communications between and among various faith-based organizations and the communities they serve can also be facilitated by a council dedicated to building partnerships with executive branch agencies, and those communications can facilitate a collaborative approach to addressing the social and economic ills that affect our communities;


            WHEREAS, any organization that is facilitating conversations between state government and faith-based organizations must be broadly representative of a diversity of religious traditions and institutions to reach the largest number of persons within those faith communities;


            WHEREAS, the Delaware Council of Faith-Based Partnerships was established in furtherance of these purposes by Governor Jack Markell via Executive Order 33, effective January 4, 2012, and members now wish to rename the council to better reflect the diversity and inclusivity of the partnership.


NOW, THEREFORE, I JOHN C. CARNEY, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby DECLARE and ORDER the following:


  1. The Delaware Interfaith Council (the “Council”) is hereby created.


  1. The Council shall be composed of no less than 9 members. Eight or more members shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Governor. One member shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Lieutenant Governor. The membership of the Council shall reflect the religious and geographic diversity of the people of the State of Delaware.


  1. The Governor shall designate one or more members of the Council to serve as Chairperson(s). Members of the Council shall receive no compensation. The Council shall adopt and make public procedures and standards for the conduct of its affairs, consistent with this Order.


  1. All executive branch state agencies and departments shall cooperate with the Council when requested. The Council may call and rely upon the expertise of individuals and entities outside of its membership for research, advice, support or other functions necessary and appropriate to accomplish its mission.


  1. The Council shall have the following powers, duties and functions:
    • Work closely with faith-based and community-based groups, charitable organizations, private foundations, voluntary associations, educational institutions, and other non-profit service organizations to promote volunteerism and community service;
    • Foster interfaith understanding between Delawareans and Delaware’s Houses of Worship, and work as partners with the Governor and Lt. Governor’s Offices, and other State agencies, to communicate and promulgate non-political programs and initiatives designed for the betterment of the residents of the State of Delaware, through Delaware’s Houses of Worship;
    • Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among faith-based organizations whereby such organizations can work together to improve delivery of services in the community;
    • Promote innovation and model programs and initiatives, and share best practices among faith-based groups and organizations;
    • Coordinate Council activities with those administered by private, faith-based and governmental organizations to ensure that services are rendered efficiently and that they are not duplicated; and
    • Develop sustainable funding through private sources to support the objectives of the Council and the collaborative efforts to which Delaware faith-based organizations are devoted.


  1. The Council shall ensure that all of its activities are in compliance with applicable laws regarding the freedom of religion, including the requirements of the Bill of Rights of the Delaware Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.


  1. The Council shall report any recommendations to the Office of the Governor and/or the affected state agency on a periodic basis.


  1. Executive Order 33 signed under the administration of Governor Jack Markell is rescinded; however, all currently appointed members of the newly renamed Council shall remain in effect.


APPROVED this 26th date of September 2024.

John C. Carney



 Secretary of State


PDF of Executive Order
