Executive Order 13



WHEREAS, offshore wind power is a renewable and clean source of energy that can contribute to Delaware’s efforts to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions; and

WHEREAS, Delaware could benefit from the job opportunities created by developing offshore wind to serve the people of Delaware; and

WHEREAS, Delaware has an interest in participating in the development of new sources of clean energy; and

WHEREAS, the Maryland Public Service Commission recently approved offshore wind proposals by Deepwater Wind and US Wind to deliver a total of 368 megawatts to Maryland customers; and

WHEREAS, these two projects, which are located off the Delaware coastline, will not make use of all of the potential wind resource available in our offshore waters; and

WHEREAS, the Maryland projects could offer new opportunities to develop offshore wind at a scale and on a timetable that could create value at a reasonable balance of costs and benefits for Delaware; and

WHEREAS, Delaware should investigate the opportunities to develop offshore wind in a way that maximizes the long term economic and environmental benefits while minimizing the impact on ratepayers.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN C. CARNEY, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby DECLARE and ORDER the following:

1. The Offshore Wind Working Group (“Working Group”) is hereby established to study how Delaware can participate in developing offshore wind, identify ways to leverage the related economic opportunities, and make specific recommendations for engaging in the development of offshore wind for Delaware.

2. The Working Group shall consist of not less than 17 members to include but not be limited to the following:

a. two representatives appointed by the Pro Tempore of the Senate;
b. two representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House;
c. the Secretary of State; d. the Secretary of DNREC;
e. the Executive Director of the Public Service Commission;f. the Public Advocate;
g. the Governor’s Policy Director;
h. the following members shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor;

i. a Chair;
ii. no less than three members from the energy sector, which may include representatives from a regulated electric utility, municipal electric utility and rural electric cooperative and;
iii. no less than five members which may include representatives from the higher education, non-profit, business, and labor union communities, or such members who have expertise in the subject matter.

3. Members serving by virtue of position may appoint a designee to serve in their stead and at their pleasure.
4. The Governor may increase the size of the Working Group and appoint additional members at his pleasure.
5. The Working Group shall convene no later than September 30, 2017 and shall consider at least the following matters:

a. Review of the pertinent laws and regulations governing the development of offshore wind, and recommendations of changes to laws and regulations;
b. Review of the environmental benefits of developing offshore wind for Delaware;
c. Review of the economic opportunities presented by the offshore wind industry;
d. Consideration of the benefits and costs of developing offshore wind, including environmental and health benefits, energy market impacts, economic opportunities and rate impacts; and
e. Identification of the barriers and opportunities involved in developing offshore wind to benefit Delaware.

6. No later than December 15, 2017, the Working Group shall submit a report to the Governor that includes at least the following:

a. Report on the relevant laws, regulations, benefits, costs, barriers and opportunities for developing offshore wind to serve Delaware;
b. Recommendations for shorter- and longer-term strategies for procuring offshore wind power to serve Delaware;
c. Recommendations for plans to develop job opportunities for Delaware in the offshore wind industry; and
d. A draft of any necessary implementing legislation including possible amendments to Delaware’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards Act.

7. The Division of Energy & Climate of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will be the lead agency in staffing the Working Group.
8. The Working Group shall dissolve on June 30, 2018 unless reconstituted by further executive order.
9. The Working Group will be subject to the Open Meeting Laws and all meetings will be open to the public.

APPROVED this 28th date of August 2017.

John C. Carney

Secretary of State


PDF of Executive Order